Freelancer: sebastiandamico
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re-colorize a picture

Hi, this is the improved version after your comments. Remember that if you choose my work I will give you a jpg file without a watermark, the frame is only decorative for the presentation of the contest, the original file is clean. If you want I can include a version with white border and if you like the mockup with the frame I can also include it in the package.

Inscrição nº 46 do Concurso para                                                 I want to re-colorize a picture that was made monochrome.
Inscrição nº46

Painel de Comentários

  • boynumber1
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 4 anos atrás

    The colors are better in this version. Although, some features, like the mouth in the middle still looks a bit cartoonish.

    • 4 anos atrás
    1. sebastiandamico
      • 4 anos atrás

      Please check entry #49 , I think it was much better now.

      • 4 anos atrás