I need an English Major Guru that is BFF with the MLA style format

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $30
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 1
  • Vencedor: fatimahj07

Síntese do concurso

EEk! I have a 5 page paper that needs to be proofed and have my citations be correct. I get points off my paper for incorrect cited works both in my bib and within my paper. I just copied and pasted the link next to what I need to give credit for. I hope you can help,

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Feedback do Empregador

“What a pleasure working with Fatimah! This was my first time and I can assure you all it won't be my last. It was 5:30 AM and Fatima came to my rescue proofing and editing a paper I needed to submit. She turned it around in less than 2 hours and her edits were great! Don't hesitate to reach out to her - she is as great as everybody says she is!”

Foto do perfil Cuba333, United States.

Painel de Comentários

  • LizabethRickett
    • 5 anos atrás

    "I just copied and pasted the link next to what I need to give credit for. I hope you can help"
    I am unable to find the link, and would love to assist you!


    • 5 anos atrás

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