Freelancer: ArbazAnsari
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Full GIF Animation

I am ready to make required changes. Due to contest deadline i had to make it in hurry, I can make it more attractive and add more GIF animations. Hope, you like it. Please give your valuable feedback . Thank you.

Inscrição nº18

Painel de Comentários

  • SawsanINS
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 4 anos atrás

    Hello Arbaz. Thank you for your interest in my project. You have a great potential here! I like that you emphasize the brooch feature of playing animated images plus adding how to wear it (the girl) & how to use it (the phone). We can work things around to make it better & useful

    • 4 anos atrás
    1. SawsanINS
      Proprietário do Concurso
      • 4 anos atrás

      Let's take the description out for now. & we can added it later if possible

      • 4 anos atrás
    2. ArbazAnsari
      • 4 anos atrás

      Sure. I am working on required changes but can you please open a chat so I can send new files there.

      • 4 anos atrás