Holiday Card Design
- Status: Closed
- Prêmio: $100
- Inscrições Recebidas: 67
- Vencedor: ArtisticLand
Síntese do concurso
We need a talented graphic design for our family holiday card.
This is a Taylor Swift Themed Holiday Card
It is 2-Sided
Each side will appear like the attached “EXAMPLE” with a large center picture and seven (7) surrounding pictures.
The front of the card will read
“Merry Swiftmas & Happy New Era”
The back of the card will read
“The Moran Family
Kyle, Samantha, Kate (11) & Jacob (7)”
The front will feature the CENTER picture of daughter
The back will feature the CENTER picture of son
The pictures are attached. In total there are 16 different pictures arranged based on their placements.
Like in the “Example” please try to have the photos be black and white outlines on the different colored backgrounds.
Thank you.
Habilidades Recomendadas
Feedback do Empregador
“Md. S. was very responsive, creative and professional. I recommend him strongly.”
kylemoran1806, United States.
Principais inscrições deste concurso
rojitray2023 Bangladesh
tajuddin2002bd Bangladesh
ArtisticLand Bangladesh
amraref5015 Egypt
amraref5015 Egypt
klayrefworks Philippines
marouanharee Morocco
amraref5015 Egypt
suraiyaahsan999 Bangladesh
tajuddin2002bd Bangladesh
rojitray2023 Bangladesh
tajuddin2002bd Bangladesh
ohdadmohamed77 Morocco
suraiyaahsan999 Bangladesh
claudineruby Philippines
aslamsikder2019 Bangladesh
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