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How does Facebook re-targeting work?

perguntado por Omar 18 dezembro, 2015

I've heard that re-targeting works really well, but I want to know how it actually works?

Is it hard to set up? Do you have any tips for a small business with a budget of $100 per week?


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10 Respostas

respondidas Jan 14, 2016

Facebook retargeting is based on a traditional marketing concept that involves selling, or "targeting", people who are likely to be interested in your product. In digital marketing terms, that means pushing relevant ads or content to people who have already visited your website.

It's actually more effective for marketers who have a limited budget since it only pushes the ads to users who are already likely to be interested, and Facebook has options for further limiting the audience. The difficulty lies in how well you can follow directions--you don't have to understand coding--since Facebook already published an easy step-by-step here:

If you want to learn about options for limiting or drilling down to specific audiences, check out this guide:

9 curtidas
respondidas Jan 14, 2016

Basically, re-targeting is similar to re-marketing. The thinking behind this concept is that, buyers rarely make a purchase the first time they come across an offer. Therefore, you have to understand the audience, competition, pricing, market offerings, among others to carefully craft the perfect pitch so that when they come across your offer in future, they will be hooked. For website audiences, it is all in the content that targets your website's previous visitors. This is simply done by adding visitors to a custom audience list on the Facebook Ads Manager. This group is then targeted in the re-targeting campaign. You can easily choose an audience because you cannot re-target everyone who visits your site.

Your company's Facebook page is the best place to find audience for re-targeting. It is simple; as you create your Facebook ad, just opt to target your page's fans. This way, you stand a high chance of realizing higher sales than acquiring fresh leads. You can also re-target email subscribers, this will need an excel file of all emails of your subscribers. You can then create a custom audience. Finally, you can also target people with shared demographics. Look-alike audiences are highly recommended because if an offer suits the needs of one, it sure may just meet the needs of others as well. With Facebook re-targeting, you are on top of your game and your ads will be more useful. I hope this one helps.

7 curtidas
Rs Raj
Rs Raj
respondidas há 6 anos

Basically, re-targeting is similar to re-marketing. The thinking behind this concept is that, buyers rarely make a purchase the first time they come across an offer. Therefore, you have to understand the audience, competition, pricing, market offerings, among others to carefully craft the perfect pitch so that when they come across your offer in future, they will be hooked. For website audiences, it is all in the content that targets your website's previous visitors. This is simply done by adding visitors to a custom audience list on the Facebook Ads Manager. This group is then targeted in the re-targeting campaign. You can easily choose an audience because you cannot re-target everyone who visits your site.

2 curtidas
Farhad Digital
Farhad Digital
respondidas há 6 anos

Facebook re-target use for target your important audience to pull your Facebook advertisement. you can use Facebook pixel and target your audience. facebook pixel work with multiple pages like cart targeting, visitor targeting etc. and the Facebook pixel is comfortable with all CMS and custom website.

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respondidas há 2 anos

15 Free SEO Tools to Drive Traffic, Clicks & Sales [2021] > blog > f...
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free SEO Tools you need to be using. Free is awesome. Especially when that "free" whatever is giving you extra traffic, money, rank, reputation, and sales.

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respondidas há 6 anos

With Perfect Audience Facebook retargeting, a business adds our site tracking tag to their web site code. This tag is completely invisible to visitors and places a unique "cookie" in their browser that lets the user be anonymously identified as having visited your web site. The users cookied in this way make up what we call a Retargeting Audience.

Once you've created an Audience, you can use Perfect Audience to create Facebook ad campaigns that will reach those people on Facebook in ads on the right sidebar or in their News Feed. When your users see these ads, they are reminded about your service and are invited to return and sign up or convert in some way.

If someone visits your website after clicking on a Facebook advert, they may not always complete an action such as making a purchase or giving you their contact information. One great way to remarket to them is by using your Facebook pixel, formerly known as the Custom Audience pixel, to create a Custom Audience from your website. It'll help you:
Bring website visitors back to complete a purchase
Find new customers who are similar to your website visitors
Get more value from new customer acquisition campaigns by excluding existing customers.

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