6 Inspiring Career Tips That You Need To Hear From Billionaire Entrepreneurs

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There is some advice that is believed to inspire others to become successful. One of the most common is "follow your passion". This is the most ambiguous piece of advice people like using. What if someone has a passion for keeping animals; how would this in any way make them a billionaire? Many people have failed at becoming successful entrepreneurs because they have been made to believe that following your passion will eventually make you rich.

Besides passion, there are other things that come into play to become successful in life, and these things can be gained from people who have climbed the ladder before you. They always tell you that passion plays an important role in driving you towards success, but there are other factors needed to complement the whole thing.

We shall be looking at some important quotes from reputable businessmen that will keep you going, and may afterwards turn you into a billionaire entrepreneur. These businessmen are the present-day billionaires who have put their words into practice. Following their inspiring career tips may be enough to catapult you to the apex of your career.


Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

“Ask any successful business person about their success and they will tell you they always had a great mentor at some point on their path to success.”

This is a tip needed by everyone who craves for success. No one can climb the ladder of success alone; you need support from experienced folks to assist you on your journey. Having a mentor who has the same passion as you, and has already traveled the success route is highly recommended if you truly desire to become a success yourself. Having a mentor gives you the opportunity to learn from their experiences so that your journey may be smoother than theirs.

The journey of anything in life is always difficult at the beginning, and many people quit due to lack of guidance. Having a mentor will help you understand all that you need to know to keep you going.


Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft

“Don't make the same decision twice. Spend quality time and think critically before you take a solid decision so that you don't end up revisiting the issue unnecessarily. If you are too willing to revisit issues, it affects not only your motivation but also your execution to take a decision in the first instance. After all, there is no need to decide on an issue if it is not well-decided.”

This is a great quote coming from the richest man on earth. What this means is simply that before you make any decision, you should spend time to think it over and over again so you don't revisit it just because of your nonchalant attitude. Revisiting the same issue affects your motivation, as well as the zeal to carry it out the second time.


Jack Ma, Founder & Executive Chairman of Alibaba Group

“You cannot integrate everybody’s thoughts, but you can integrate everybody through a common objective.”

This is another great career tip from Jack Ma. What Ma means is that having good leadership skills is something everybody needs, be it a sole entrepreneur or an employee working for an organization. As a good leader, you don't need to reinforce individuality, it should be your responsibility to integrate the company towards a common goal. Leaders are constantly thinking outside the box to come up with innovative ideas that will take the company a step ahead on the success ladder.

Start every day by drafting a list of things that need to be done to motivate and engage your team in working towards the common goal. Look for ways to enhance the level of interaction between your team members. This may not work the way you plan it every time, but it is a positive step towards going further in your career.


Oprah Winfrey, TV Personality and Billionaire Entrepreneur

“I do not believe there is anything called failure. It is not failure if you found the process exciting.”

According to successful entrepreneur billionaires, failure should not be seen as a setback but rather a stepping stone to achieving greater heights. Most times, doing things that are common and cheap doesn't lead to failure. It is things that are unheard of, or things that appear to be risky that lead to "failure". This word is quoted because in the real sense there is no such thing as failure for successful entrepreneurs. See failure as part of a process that will lead to your success. It should serve as a reminder that you are missing something that will make you great. Whenever you miss out on a venture, don't analyze yourself but make an effort to bring yourself back to life and continue from where you have missed out.

According to reports, about 80% of startups fail at the beginning of their business because they are unable to change direction, despite being aware they are trading the wrong product. Also, about 80% of startups don't know that success is sweeter when you succeed at the second attempt. The only way to live your dream is by learning from your failed attempts.


Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway

“The best investment to sought after is investing in yourself. Anything you can get involved with to develop your personal abilities is likely to add to your productivity.”

Investing in yourself is considered the best investment ever. Learning new things and exploring new ideas is the greatest way to grow your business. As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for generating revenue in your company. If you don't spend time sharpening your skills and learning new things, sooner or later you will be pushed aside by entrepreneurs who are always growing. The business world is so fierce and competitive that you should not lag behind for whatever reason. The greatest enemy of success and innovation is being obsolete.

If you are not clear on what to do, it is simple: enroll in classes that will help you develop new skills, spend more time reading books related to your field, and attend workshops and seminars covering areas you think you are not good at.


Sheryl Sandberg, Best-selling Author of Lean In and COO of Facebook

“There is nothing like perfect when you are searching for the next step to take. You have to grab every opportunity and make an opportunity work for you, rather than sticking to what is not yielding positive result. The ability to humble yourself and learn is the most vital feature leaders can have.”

Working towards perfection is the desire of every entrepreneur, but not being flexible in changing direction could be disastrous to you and your career. To be a world changer, you must have a wide range of perspectives on everything that comes your way. Behind every failure is an opportunity waiting to be discovered, and every success takes you closer to becoming what you want to be.

The bottom line is that you shouldn't spend too much time working on projects that have little or no prospects. Be willing to change direction and learn new things.

Blending these great inspiring career tips with your passion is sure way of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Remember, these tips have worked for the greatest billionaires of our time, and could work for you if you take them seriously.

What keeps you going on the path of success? We'd be glad to read what motivates you and keeps your hopes of achieving your dreams alive. The comments section is waiting for you!

Postado 31 julho, 2017

Ruchi Bhargava

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